Our company is a small manufacturer of welding contact tips that was founded 25 years ago.

Since its release, we have been supplying this product to major automobile manufacturers’ suppliers, construction machinery manufacturers, and group suppliers for many years, and have received high praise.

We are grateful that our products have been used continuously for 15 to 20 years since the start of delivery.

There are various reasons why people started using our products, but we believe that the biggest reason was that our products helped solve problems on welding lines in factories.

For example, reducing the frequency of tip replacement, improving the defect rate from the old tip (poor start, arc stability, arc instability due to welding position, and improvement of start, etc.)
Based on this track record, we proposed to help resolve issues with automated machine lines and robot lines in welding factories.

As the price of this product increases due to the soaring cost of copper material, we hope that you will use this product to help reduce costs by extending the life of consumables.

Company Name Alpha Excellent Co., Ltd.
company address 〒981-3131 101 Corpo Shoji, 47-8 Higashiura, Nanakita, Izumi Ward, Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture Japan
CEO Tsunemi Kuwahara
Corporate Number 9370002000151
Invoice status Registered as a qualified invoice issuing business
Business Contents Development, manufacturing and sales of welding tips
Contact Us +81 022-372-2051
website https://alpha-excellent.co.jp